Friday, July 6, 2012

Rep. Valarie Hodges OK with Govt. Money going to Christian Schools but not Muslim

Louisiana state representattive (R)Valarie Hodges voted to approve governor Bobby Jindall's overhaul of the state education program. Hodges was fine with the voucher program when she believed that parents could send their kids to public school or a school that would be "teaching the fundamentals of America’s Founding Fathers’ religion, which is Christianity". Hodges narrow-minded thinking kept her from realizing that religious schools would include religions other than her own and now she isn't happy.

She also stated that "I do not support using public funds for teaching Islam anywhere here in Louisiana.”  I  have to say that I agree with her, but let's not stop with Islam, let's not use public funds to teach any religious schools. Public funds should be for public schools, we shouldn't be handing any taxpayer money over to churches.

As Hemant Mehta the Friendly Atheist said -
"Rep. Hodges made the mistake of saying out loud what most conservative Christians only say to themselves in private: When they say they want “religious freedom,” they’re only referring to their own faith. Everyone else can fend for themselves.
Message to Rep. Hodges: Your Christian privilege is showing."

Now someone just needs to start a School of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in Louisiana.

What do you think?
Are you OK with vouchers going to private schools? What if they aren't affiliated with a religion?

The Friendly Atheist, and reference

1 comment:

  1. This woman is dumber than dirt. Check out what she says about the link between socialism and poverty. Of course, her knowledge is the result of going to latin america. Latin America is socialist? Other than Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia, possibly, who is socialist? Those are crony capitalism states where wealth disparity is where the US is headed.

    Hopefully, she'll raise lots of money now that she's said something totally outrageous, money that won't go to the Romney campaign.
