Saturday, May 12, 2012

Would you sell your soul?

Interesting story on this weeks Freakonomics podcast that I thought I would share with you guys. It's about a guy who put out an offer to purchase someone's soul. He made offers ranging from $1-$50 to atheists that he spoke with online. He claimed that none of those who he made the offer to would take him up on it. He finally found an atheist who did and they interview them both and discuss whether or not a soul is something you can sell or should be able to. They also look at it from an economists point of view.

So the questions I pose to my fellow Meanies and other readers are,
1) Do you believe in a soul?
2) would you be willing to sell yours, even if you don't believe in it?
3) If you don't believe, would there be anything wrong with selling your soul multiple times?

Let me know what you think, I'm interested.

Link to the podcast down below.

1 comment:

  1. I dont believe in a soul, no evidence that there is one and quite a bit of evidence that there isn't.

    I would sell my soul for whatever someone else thinks it's worth.

    I would sell it as many times and for as much money as someone is willing to buy it for because if they are gullable enough to part with their money then I'm going to help them do it. Why should a televangelist get all of their money?
