Saturday, February 18, 2012

We Need a Contraceptive from Religion

These two clips are from the New Hampshire house of representatives and their discussion about contraception. This is a great example of how religion influences politics and laws that effect us all. The bill they are discussing only deals with requiring employers to cover birth control under their insurance. To hear these women talk you would think it was a forced requirement for everyone to take it.

That's right ladies you're giving your men prostate cancer. Obviously Rep. Notter has not read that study and merely wishes to misuse the information. The study she is referring to suggests that there may be a link between countries with higher rates of prostate cancer and oral contraceptive use. It states as a hypothesis that perhaps the increased rates are due to estrogen in the drinking water. This could be coming from the urine of women taking oral contraceptives. This was only a hypothesis and not a published study.

This next clip is Rep Blankenbeker saying we already have two good forms of birth control, condoms and abstinence.  This is clearly a case of religion poisoning politics. If you take religion out of it,this whole discussion would not be taking place. People would not stand for this if they wanted to restrict blood pressure medication just based on their religious beliefs.

 I hope that what everyone was laughing about was abstinence being 100%. Sure, if practiced correctly it is, but we all know half of us are here because it isn't realistic. Also, states that have abstinence only sex ed have higher rates of teen pregnancy.

Okay just one more quick clip, this is Foster Freiss a financial backer of Rick Santorum. He said after the fact that this was just a joke, but I think it clearly shows the mindset of the religious right.

My goodness, I think what we really need to do is stay out of peoples personal business. If a woman decides she needs/wants contraception, whether it is for health reasons or birth control that is her business. These are medical decisions that should be made between a patient and doctor not my congressman and their church. abstinence education compared to birth rate statistics

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