Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Let's cut down every tree... of stupidity

This is from PZ Myers' blog this morning, definitely worth sharing. I hope that people don't actually buy into this kind of logic or lack thereof.

I'm almost amazed at how much they can get wrong in a single minute. In the first two seconds Pat is already wrong. "Atheists don't believe anything", he says. I assume he means we don't believe IN anything, and even that would be wrong. I believe, left to our own devices that most people are good and would look out for one another. I believe IN, human ingenuity, just look at nuclear energy, computer technology, and modern medicine. What I don't believe, is that there is any evidence that all of this happens because of a supernatural being.

Roberts goes on to say that "they don't believe in anything, but they can protest somebody that believes in something". This implies that we should not be allowed to protest anything as long as someone "believes" in it. I protest infringements on the rights of others. Whether  it is civil rights, gay rights, or women's rights the majority at some point "believed" something and through protest we were able to create a more equal society.

She goes on to say "you've got different kind of, i don't know, call them religions" and then goes on to completely getting her understanding of wiccan beliefs wrong. Wiccans believe that as intelligent beings it is our responsibility to take care of our environment. Not that trees are gods, as she would lead you to believe.

I also don't know any wiccans who want to dictate our foreign policy or run the country based on what the trees are telling them. Maybe when that happens I'll take up arms against the trees, but for now let's just prune our own stupidity.

http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_beli.htm -summary of Wiccan beliefs

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