Monday, May 14, 2012

Atheist arrested

Well we may not be in the most atheist-friendly country in the world. I'm often reminded of that as my coworkers go on their "This is a Christian nation" speeches. But at least we have the first amendment to protect our right to disagree. Your coworkers and family can tell you that you are wrong and that you're going to hell, but at least they can't lock you up.

In Indonesia their citizens have freedom of religion but not freedom from religion. As long as they choose to follow Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, or Hinduism then they are fine. I have heard   some people say that "this is a christian nation, and if you don't like it get out" and "the constitution says freedom of religion, not freedom from religion" and I wonder if this is the type of society that they hope for.

So, while we still have quite a way to go to reach a point where religion doesn't dominate politics and everything else, at least we live in a country in which we have the freedom to disagree.

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