Sunday, September 18, 2011

Choose your words carefully


     So the story in my inbox today is a post from the examiner that is critical of a post by Al Stefanelli, the Georgia state director of the American Atheist. In his post Taking the gloves off... he speaks to the dangers of the doctrine of fundamental christianity and radical islam and says that because "They don’t respond to lawsuits, letters, amicus briefs or other grass-roots campaigns and they must, must, must be eradicated. " He is clearly speaking about the doctrines and not individuals, but this is quickly seen as an opportunity to frame him as a "radical atheist" and claim that he is encouraging or at least advocating violence. Joe Newby of the Examiner writes his post American Atheist leader tears the mask off radical atheism with violent rhetoric and claims that this reveals the "radical nature of modern atheism" and that "atheists have declared a jihad of their own".

     Now I have met a number of atheist, none of which advocate violence against others, even those we strongly disagree with. Most atheists just don't want religion and its doctrine forced upon us. I believe that most people believe that there are behaviors that need to be "eradicated", sexism, racism, and violence towards others. I think that was the point Stefanelli was trying to make. However, because of word choice, the real message of his article is being overshadowed. So let's keep participating in the marketplace of ideas and standing up for what we believe. But while you do so remember if you want to make sure it is your message that is focused upon you need to choose your words carefully.
   - Al Stefanelli's post -Joe Newby's post

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