Monday, June 11, 2012

So, This is the Tolerance You Speak of?

The apologists tell me "What's the harm in believing, even if it isn't true, the church teaches morality to the children." The problem with this is that along with the good lessons, which can and should be taught by the family, there are messages of hate and bigotry that are taught as well. Yes, hate can be spread in the home and by those who are bigots it probably will be. However, the majority of people who would never teach these things in their home bring their children to church to listen to the teachings of an "authority figure" that the parents at least appear to look up to and respect. The children do not know that they need to filter out certain messages, they are being told that god is perfect and the pastor is there to teach them, so they will take it all at face value.

I know this is a long intro into a relatively short video but I hope that this video disgusts you as much as it did me. People need to realize that when an institution teaches hate that they are negatively impacting society as a whole. So, here is a video of a young child in the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle in Indiana.

In case you had trouble hearing it he was taught to sing

"The Bible's right, somebody's wrong.
I know the Bible's right, somebody's wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain't no homos gonna make it to Heaven."
This is clearly indoctrination, this little boy certainly didn't choose this to sing to everyone. He is being taught hate(or at least bigotry) and doesn't even realize it and the reaction from the congregation is reinforcing that what he is singing is right. If we think for just a second about what the message is here, he is singing about a group of people NOT going to heaven and they are cheering and whistling like crazy. So apparently they are happy that they are going to hell, is this really the christian message?

Children learn by repetition, how many time did he probably practice this leading up to this day, probably dozens and each time with reinforcement. And with a reaction like that, I'm sure other kids in the congregation were singing it after church. They know that to get ideas to stick you make them catchy and teach them early, just like jingles. Worked for school house rock.

You may still be doubtful that the message is getting through to this or other young children, but consider this. The fourteen year old who is brought to church with the family, that knows that they are gay but can't share it yet, clearly gets the message. They get the message, probably at school, possibly at home, and certainly at church. The message that they aren't welcome and that they are sinners and "ain't gonna make it to heaven." So,apologists, this is the tolerance and positive influence that churches perpetuate? Well lessons like this I think we can do without.

Friday, June 8, 2012

IL Taxpayers Fund $20,000 of Cross Repair, Court Allows it

Illinois issued a grant of $20,000 to help repair the 111 foot Bald Knob Cross of Peace in Alto Pass, IL. Robert Sherman sued the state claiming that the state violated the first amendment and requested that the money be paid back. The 7th circuit court ruled that there was no "legislative intent" to fund the cross, as it was part of a 5 million dollar appropriation to fund pork barrel projects.

So it appears that legislators can take your tax dollars and give it to churches, who don't pay taxes, so long as they don't specify what the money will be spent on when they approve it. This appears to be a terrible loophole in the law, allowing them to fund clearly unconstitutional projects without any restrictions. Based on this ruling there would be nothing to stop a legislator from getting pork barrel money approved and then giving it to a church in their district to expand or rehab a church.

This is a case of legislators buying votes in their district with our money. This money was secured by Democratic Illinois State Senator Gary Forby.
Benton Office (In-District)
903 West Washington,
Suite 5
Benton, IL 62812
 P. 618.439.2504

Springfield Office (State Capitol)
 537 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
   P. 217.782.5509

At a time where the state can't balance the budget and they are raising income tax on Illinois workers, perhaps they should not be handing money out to churches who don't pay any taxes.

Do you think that legislators should be allowed to grant pork barrel money at their own discretion?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pastor Calls for Government to Kill Homosexuals

Well I know I am about a week behind on this story but after hearing about it several times this week I wanted to mention it and make sure it got passed on. Pastor Curtis Knapp from Seneca Kansas was preaching against homosexuality to his congregation and suggested that the government should "go out and start killing them." Then he almost seemed disgusted that of course "they won't but they should."  You can listen to the audio here.

This is a great example of how some christians would like to use government to force their viewpoints on all of society. Granted most would not go to this extreme, but they would and have used government to force prayer into schools, ban atheists from holding office in some states, and teach creationism. History has shown what happens when you use the government to force religious ideologies onto the citizens. Many christians who are quick to point out that this is a "christian nation" forget that what drove many to come here was to escape religious persecution.  

Apologists often say that religion isn't bad and reinforces good qualities such as charity and forgiveness. But anything good that a religion teaches can be taught in society and by families in a secular setting. However, this type of teaching needs religion to justify it. Without the backing of his "good book" this teaching would have not been tolerated. The fact that his congregation did not get up and walk out when he called for the government to exterminate a group of American citizens just shows that it is a setting which will tolerate that behavior.

The bible also calls for adulterers(Leviticus 20:10), disobedient children (Exodus 21:17), and those who are wizards ( Leviticus 20:27, seriously it's in there) all to be put to death. Would pastor Knapp also like the government to enforce these rules as well. I think Knapp should stick to the love thy neighbor, love the sinner hate the sin messages and  I will refrain from casting any of my wizardly spells on him.  - {No religion, Know peace}